Once clear of the Earth Star Ranger... and well on our way, thanks to Pam and Tom... we ventured along to Lennox Head, home of Lake Ainsworth.
Here, we had the occasion to visit Lake Ainsworth, a Tea Tree Lake, known for its healing potential. Apparently... the supernatural oil drips down from the tree, and into the water, creating a colour similar to that of a cup of tea, with an oily film on top. Doens't sound very attractive or appealing, but this medical bath works wonders on your skin and psyche. We left the water feeling fresh, revitalized and absolutely wonderful.
If you find a tea tree oil lake... and you are able to dive in, do it.
Highly recommended.

Next stop was Byron Bay.
This had been our ultimate, ideal destination from word Go. We could almost taste Byron Bay and everything we thought it would be.
Byron Bay is scenic coastal town and popular holiday destination, known for its laid back lifestyle, as well as its beaches and surfing. In 1994, I was in my 'hippie' phase (which, btw, didn't last long) and I was fully ready to lap up every single smidge of what this free spirited community had to offer...

We stayed at a folksy backpackers called The Arts Factory, pinning itself as a subtropical haven offering groovy accommodation and jungle camping. Broke, of course, we opted for the camping option.
As casual as it was... I found it veered more on the side of pretentious... and "pushy"...
They were constantly at us to contribute to their group meals and to play volleyball. Maybe they just wanted to be friends with us... maybe we were the pretentious ones? lol
I can't speak for Jan, but I wasn't exactly comfortable at the Arts Factory... though one could possibly blame the tent and the outdoor facilities...
... or how crap I was at volleyball???
You can't hit the beaches of Australia without being buried at least once...
